We have these amazing people equipped in every corner of the world. Please help us to serve them. Help us to back them as they face challenges and engage on opportunities!


In a world where crowdfunding is becoming more and more saturated with similar products and projects, we invite you to explore a crowdfunding initiative with a difference, to make a difference!

Each participant and project is carefully handpicked from a pool of applications by talented emerging Christian leaders who all previously successfully completed a three-month intensive residential training program in South Africa, aimed at empowering them to facilitate sustained transformation in their geographic or church / business / education / media etc. community. Each application goes through a meticulous selection process where it’s assessed for its viability, sustainability and potential for growth by representatives from a leading donor foundation in Africa. Participants then embark on a two-month specialized course in crowdfunding, combined with one-on-one mentoring sessions with an experienced Program Manager from an established International Foundation. The aim: to communicate who they are, what they do and why they do it well, while also making sure of proper planning and budgeting of the project.

While it is true that we cannot do everything everywhere, we can serve someone doing something special somewhere!

We hear about people facing a wide spectrum of challenges e.g. war, persecution and poverty and we ask ourselves: What can I do?! The Institute for Transformational Leadership (ITL) has equipped amazing Christian leaders from 111 countries through a 3 month program called ALICT to help them (alumni) tackle these issues. This is a lifelong journey and we need your donation to support our staff to keep on equipping and serving their “family” all over the world.  

Our vision

We believe that people grow and can have a sustained ability to serve and have impact through working together and through supportive relationships. For this reason, ITL continually creates opportunities for continual learning and spaces that connect alumni for the development of tools and processes that can impact in diverse contexts.

What we do

We need your support for the alumni working as staff as they give 50% –  200% of their time daily for the work. Specialist alumni serving other alumni in;

  1. Training – equipping alumni to be master trainers and instructional designers,  
  2. Counselling and Healing – staff assisting in Foundational Biblical Counselling, Marriage Counselling and dealing with trauma,
  3. Staff working together with alumni in their cities such as Kenya, Rio,Kiev and San Salvador;
  4. Staff assisting with representing alumni from 20 to 30 different countries and,
  5. Social Enterprise

How you can help

Please help us raise $18 000 to help support alumni for a year. Your $5/$100 will make it possible for our 6 volunteer staff to serve their diverse family.

 “As Christians we confess to be part of a body that serves each other and are interdependent.”