Application for Project Funding

Get funding for your next project by listing it on the ITL GetFund platform.

Thank you for choosing the GetFund platform for your fundraising project! We are excited about the possibility of hosting your fundraiser project.
This opportunity is for ALICT alumni who want to do or are already doing a project that is people-focused in any sector of society.
If an ALICT alumni owns a project, it can be run by an organization.

The steps:
1. Complete this form to start the application process. 
2. You will receive a link to the detailed application form. 
3. Upon submission your project will be reviewed. 
4. Feedback and changes on your project (if needed)
5. Your project gets published on the ITL GetFund website!
6. Your project will close once your goal has been met or the timeline has been completed.
7. The payout process commences.